Daniel Lerner of David Lerner Associates Provides Travel Tips for Long Flights

Daniel Lerner of David Lerner Associates

Daniel Lerner of David Lerner Associates is an avid flyer. Whether for business or for pleasure, it’s not uncommon to see Daniel Lerner at the airport. Because friends and family know that Daniel Lerner has accumulated a significant number of flying miles, they often ask him for tips on making their flying experience more enjoyable. This gave Daniel Lerner the idea to write a blog on the best travel advice for long journeys.

Daniel Lerner first recommends that travelers book the tickets as far in advance as possible. One of the greatest benefits of booking early is that most airlines will allow you to select your seat. For a long flight, Daniel Lerner notes that travelers do not want to get stuck near the restrooms or in a middle seat in between strangers. Daniel Lerner understands that most people prefer to sit at the front of the plane because they tend to offer less noisy seats. However, booking seats in the back can often open up opportunities to end up with an empty seat next to you. Invest in noise-canceling headphones and you may end up with plenty of personal space on your next long-distance flight.

Daniel Lerner understands that the perks of first-class seats would make any long-distance flight much more enjoyable, but it isn’t easy to justify the price tag. Airline miles can be used for those types of perks, so those with the miles to burn should consider a first-class seat for a long-distance flight. For anyone else, Daniel Lerner recommends taking a look at premium economy seats. They are not as expensive as first-class seats but provide priority check-in, extra legroom, and more comfortable seats.

One of the biggest concerns people have when it comes to long flights is knowing they will probably suffer from jetlag upon their arrival. Daniel Lerner suggests mitigating the impact of jet lag by adjusting sleep patterns a few days before the flight to get used to the schedule of the destination. Another thing a person can do to help with jet lag is to make sure that they are well-rested and hydrated. While the airports provide easy access to alcohol, flying will dehydrate a person faster due to the altitude. Choosing water over booze can make a major difference in how a person feels, not only when they land but for the next several days.

Having a travel pillow is an excellent idea for long-distance travelers. Ideally, Daniel Lerner recommends purchasing one outside of the airport as they are typically much more expensive inside the airport. Also, if a person is looking to sleep during the flight, they should buckle their seatbelt over the blanket. By buckling over the seatbelt, a flight attendant can see the seatbelt and won’t wake the traveler up to confirm they’re wearing the seatbelt when the fasten your seatbelt signal lights up.

Most flights will provide on-flight entertainment options, but Daniel Lerner would not solely rely on in-flight movies and TV shows. For starters, the service quality can be unreliable, and it also doesn’t necessarily have options travelers are going to be excited about. Downloading some favorites to iPads or cell phones that can be played why the device is in airplane mode can be a real lifesaver. Daniel Lerner recommends bringing a good book if the goal is to sleep. Getting lost in a good book can help one relax and slowly drift off to sleep.

Daniel Lerner hopes these tips help at least a few travelers ease any fears they have about traveling long distances. While flying can be a bit of a hassle, exploring the world is one of the best things anyone can do in their spare time.

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